Thursday, November 5, 2009

Head Of The Alligator River

We've run through the night on the ICW. I was on watch from 4 to 8 PM yesterday, and was on call for Liz from 8 till 11.

We run a watch schedule that divides the day into seven periods (4 hour shifts from 8 AM until 8 PM and 3 hour shifts from 8 PM until 8 AM the next morning). There are 4 different roles for crew members: watch, call, off, and cook.

The person on 'watch' is responsible for safe navigation of the vessel.

When we finish watch, we go on 'call'. That involves making yourself available to the watch to change sails, check charts, or spot navigation markers. If the watch does not need any assistance, this time also doubles as free/sleep time.

After being on call, we go 'off.'. This is pure free time. A chance to catch up on sleep, emails, reading, etc.

The final role is the cook. During meal times (defined as anytime the crew is hungry), the cook prepares a meal. This may be something elaborate (most likely combining Chris and Karen's spice kit with Big Daddy's Teriyaki sauce) or simple (PB&J on tortilla). During night, this counts as sleep time.

The entire cycle repeats itself every 4 days; thus giving everyone a chance to serve every role at every time of the day.

I picked up watch this morning from Trevor at 5, giving me a solid 6 hours of sleep. It's not the recommended 8, but I'll be off today at 12 PM when I can grab a nap if needed.