Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Cruiser's Running Guide: Normans Cay, Bahamas

Location: Normans Cay, Bahamas
Distance: 4.6 nm
Customizable?: Yes
Overall Score: 5/10
Hilliness: 1/10
Variety: 2/10
Scenery: 4/10
Safety: 10/10
Stray Dog Potential: 0/10
Type: broken asphalt/packed sand
Time of Day: Sunset

NOTES: a nice out and back run that will take you on an old rural road through a mostly uninhabited island. Not a lot of opportunities for views, but if you felt a little hazzeled by the urban trip through Nassau, this is for you. A good trail surface to put some healthy miles in (potentially up to 8 nm on an out and back run). Enjoy!

START: From the southern anchorage of Normans Cay, dinghy to shore at the sandy beach next to the pier. Take the road up and to the right.

.35 - runway and MacDuff's off to the left, continue straight.

.56 - end of runway behind you. Continue straight, watch for planes

1.21 - top of first 'hill.'

1.55 - road down to the right takes you to a view of Normans Pond

2.25 - top of hill (my turn around point)

4.18 - if you hang to the right onto the runway, you'll find MacDuff's on the right. Stop in and make a reservation for lunch or dinner. Then cross the runway and take a right back onto the road.

4.60 - END

All distances are in nautical miles.