Monday, January 4, 2010

A Quick Stopover In Staniel Cay

Since leaving Nassau, we've picked up a new type of cruising schedule. Instead of sailing long stretches and then visiting a location for a solid day, we've been waking up at sunrise, sailing about 15-20 miles, and then spending our afternoons on location. We haven't traveled through the night since our crossing to the Bahamas.

The stretch of islands we've been hoping down are called the Exumas. Most are small, uninhabited, and picturesque cays lining the edge of the Bahama bank. We've seen quite the sites:

Day 1: Allen Cay (Iguanas!)
Day 2: Normans Cay (sunken airplane!)
Day 3: Shroud Cay (mangroves!)
Day 4: Warderick Wells (Boo Boo Hill!)
Day 5: Staniel Cay (Thunderball Grotto!)

From here on forward, we're going to do some minor repair work in Georgetown (oil change, varnish touch-up, cleaning, gear inspection, etc), and then start thinking about the Turks and Caicos!

The Bahamas have been great, but due to the proximity, we still feel like we haven't left the US yet. There are almost as many mega-yachts as in Fort Lauderdale, all the sailors are American (or French Canadian), and all of the local Bahamians know who they're selling to (fresh bread, although delicious, was still $5 per loaf).

The islands, however, are immaculate. The water is almost crystal clear and the areas in Exuma Park are teeming with wildlife (less so elsewhere).

A great time, but personally, I'm still looking to get lost in foreign cities and truly leave the beaten path.