Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Cruiser's Running Guide: Georgetown

Location: Georgetown, Bahamas
Distance: 3.6 nm
Customizable?: Minimally
Overall Score: 6/10
Hilliness: 2/10
Variety: 8/10
Scenery: 4/10
Safety: 8/10
Stray Dog Potential: 6/10
Type: mixed - asphalt and broken rock
Time of Day: Sunset

NOTES: Somewhat of a hectic run (a busy road for one stretch), but you end up getting plopped out onto some back roads and you see a side of Great Exuma Island that few do. The route starts in the familiar vicinity of Lake Victoria, but soon thrusts you into rural, undeveloped land, before sending you back through a mild suburban neighborhood. This run also provided me the motivation to take my first shower of 2010. Enjoy!

START: From the Exuma Markets dinghy dock, take a right, keeping Lake Victoria to starboard.

.13 - R at intersection; continue on the Lake Victoria loop road

.24 - Eddie's Edgewater on L

.49 - L at intersection. Cars here travel fast so be careful.

1.12 - L at Ministry of Works and Utilities. Stay on road as it turns right. Rural road begins soon.

1.34 - L at T

1.48 - L at bottom of the hill (optional: this is a short out and back that gives you some additional miles, but isn't worth all that much otherwise)

1.62 - bear R

1.69 - road ends, turn around

1.90 - back where you were, turn L

2.07 - L (follow powerlines)

2.17 - abandoned bunker on L

2.24 - massive pile of old refrigerators on L, gravel pit on R, continue straight and to the left through the tunnel of trees

2.47 - L at T (back on asphalt)

2.54 - L at T

2.94 - R at T (back on busy road)

3.05 - Lots of coconuts on R at abandoned motel

3.24 - L at Y (back on Lake Victoria loop road)

3.60 - END at Exuma Markets

All distances are in nautical miles.